Vice Governor Wants Relations Malaysia - North Sumatera The Closer

Vice Governor Wants Relations Malaysia - North Sumatera The Closer

Medan - Vice Governor of North Sumatra, Indonesia, Tengku H Erry Nuradi wants friendly relations with Indonesia and Malaysia in particular the province of North Sumatra closely.
"The relationship has been quite a long friendship. Hopefully in the future more closely and harmoniously," he said on the eve of the commemoration of the 56th Kebangsaan Malaysia held by the Office of the Consul General of Malaysia in Medan at Hotel Grand Aston City Hall Medan, Tuesday (10/9 / 2013).
Erry said kinship between Malaysia and North Sumatra have long and mutually beneficial.
He considered the role of Malaysia's very strategic. "Relationships residents of North Sumatra and Malaysia is quite good which is based on a long history of Indonesia and Malaysia before independence.
While the Consul General of Malaysia in Medan Rozian Abdul Ghani Ahmad tells a brief history of Malaysian and Indonesian relations that has existed long enough and officially occurred in 1957 when was the first Malaysian to open a Consulate-General in Indonesia.
Rozian also said that Indonesia has a big role in cooperation with Malaysia. In his notes that Indonesia is the country's seventh largest trading partner of Malaysia. Indonesia is also the largest goal Malaysian investors.
Rozian new one-year stint in the field have felt good relations be maintained, the warmth of friendship and help each other so that the brotherhood between the two countries maintained. (04)

Photo caption :
Erry Nuradi (left) and Rozian Abdul Ghani Ahmad (right)



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